VersaTube Help Center
5 Results total
What is a Summit Structure?
The VersaTube Summit structure features vertical sheet metal on the roof as well as the siding panels. This helps prevent water or snow build-up on the roof and provides a co...
What is a Frontier Structure?
The VersaTube Frontier structure features a vertical sheet metal application on the roof to prevent snow or water build up. The Frontier also features horizontal siding panel...
What is a VersaTube Structure?
VersaTube structures are highly customizable, pre-engineered steel buildings. They are used to make a wide-variety of structures, such as shops, garages, carports, homes, agricultu...
1/4” Radiant Barrier Insulation
VersaTube has partnered with a third-party supplier of 1/4" radiant barrier insulation. You can learn more about this product from their technical PDF found here.
3" fiberglass insulation
VersaTube has partnered with a third-party supplier of 3" fiberglass insulation. You can learn more about this product from their technical PDF found here.