Order Cancellation Policy
Order Cancellation Policy
Updated: March 15th 2016
You may cancel your order within 24 hours of placing it without any additional charge or obligation.
After 24 hours, you will be charged a 35% cancellation fee if your product has not been shipped. If the product is already in transit but not delivered, there will be a 50% cancellation fee and you will be charged for all return shipping charges.
If delivery is attempted but not accepted, no refunds will be permitted.
You may cancel your order within 24 hours of placing it without any additional charge or obligation.
After 24 hours, you will be charged a 35% cancellation fee if your product has not been shipped. If the product is already in transit but not delivered, there will be a 50% cancellation fee and you will be charged for all return shipping charges.
If delivery is attempted but not accepted, no refunds will be permitted.