VersaTube Help Center
14 Results total
Building Code Variations
Building codes are a set of standards created to ensure that any structure in a given area can withstand the conditions of that area. Most of the VersaTube structures are des...
Building Codes
The International Building Code (IBC) was developed to regulate the minimum standards of a structure. These standards may include, but are not limited to: &n...
Snow Load
VersaTube structures are pre-engineered to meet a number of very specific requirements. One of those requirements is the snow load. The term snow load refers to the dow...
How does a Live Load differ from a Snow Load?
The term snow load is used in reference to the downward force on a building's roof by the weight of accumulated snow and ice. VersaTube structures are pre-engineered to handl...
What is a Seismic Load?
Seismic engineering looks at the application of earthquake generated agitation to a structure. Damages most often occur where the structure touches the ground or another building. ...
What are Engineered Drawings?
The VersaTube framing system and structures are engineered and configured to address local area ground snow and wind load requirements. General engineering drawings and infor...
What is Swaging and How Does it Work?
Through the use of our patented machines, VersaTube is able to shape both rectangular and square, heavy-gauge steel tubing in such a way as to significantly reduce cost and assembl...
What are the On Center Spacing Options and Height Restrictions?
The VersaTube Building System offers the following On Center Spacing options: Garages and other Building Structures ...
What are the Standard Interior Clearance Heights?
Calculating the standard interior clearance height of a VersaTube structure is a simple process. First, take the sidewall height measurement (from the ground to the eave on t...