VersaTube Help Center
Bread Financing
VersaTube’s finance partner, Bread, offers payment plans for purchases. Bread provides closed-end installment loans with a fixed APR which can range anywhere between 0% and 29.99% based on an individual’s credit information.
Bread will approve amounts for structures costing up to $25,000. The amount that will be approved is based on the applicant’s credit rating. Occasionally, applicants are approved for an amount that is less than the cost of the structure. Simply pay the difference as your down payment and let Bread finance the rest. The loan is paid back in up to 24 monthly installments, but Bread financing can be repaid at any time without penalty.
Please be advised that bread requires the application be completed by the applicant, using only the applicant’s personal information. It is not acceptable to use the information of family members when completing the online application.
VersaTube does not have any control over which applications are approved or denied. If a customer is approved for Bread financing, VersaTube will fulfill the order and notify Bread that the purchase is complete. At that time, Bread will send an email with access to your account, where you will view monthly payments, the final truth in Lending Disclosure and your Loan Agreement.
Typically, the first payment will be due no less than 30 days from the date you completed your VersaTube order.
To learn more about bread financing, you can reach out or 844.992.7323.